Monday, April 20, 2015

Researching Research?...

Last week I was assigned a research paper *a single tear rolled down my face*. Clearly I do not like research papers never have and probably never will. Being the person I am though I just flash a half smile and go on my merry way. I went to the library to start my research, unfortunately I ended up changing my mind about 10 times as to what I wanted to write about and the research part ended up taking 2 hours....go me and my indecisive ways! Part of my hate for research papers stems from high school because we forced to do multiple a year every year and they crammed all this knowledge as us on how to write a research paper. But wait it gets better! Once I got to college, I learned that everything I once thought to be true about research papers was complete lies. LIES! So I guess what I learned about all of this is that I still do not like research papers and high school is full of lies.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely on not liking research papers. Even though I did not do many research papers in high school what I thought they were apparently isn't what they are either. So I guess we are both in the same boat with this one!
