Saturday, April 4, 2015

2nd time around

I just completed my second paper for my WRI 100 class, and let me say I feel much more confident in this paper. Part of the confidence comes from me. I actually enjoyed this book and was emotional invested in it while reading. Having that connection really just made writing this essay so easy. I had a little bit of passion behind this paper compared to my first so I just enjoyed it more. I also took use of the writing center at school, they approved of what I was writing and helped me make my paper more formal and grammatically correct. Having that back-up and boost to my confidence really helped me finish my paper. I approached writing this paper definitely different. I made an outline, found quotes to back up what I wanted, and then just put my opinion in to sum it all up. I was much more organized.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the book too, and it made it easier for me to write the paper because of it.
